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Inputting contact details for the new RINGANA magazine

Dear Partners, We would ask you to input contact details for individuals receiving the new RINGANA magazine which will be out around mid-April 2021. New customers* and active customers* who live in Austria, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Switzerland or Liechtenstein, and whose details have been input and confirmed on by 28.02.2021, 11:59 p.m. at the latest, will automatically receive a copy of the magazine – as always, completely free of charge.

Integrated € 10 voucher if magazine is sent by post!

For this issue too, all copies of the magazine sent by post will have a € 10 discount voucher integrated into the back page. The voucher can be used against purchases worth €50 or more. 

PLEASE NOTE: This voucher promotion only applies to copies of the magazine that are sent out by post. The RINGANA magazines purchased via the Partner Shop will NOT contain a voucher. Voucher is valid for purchases of € 50 and over. Voucher may not be redeemed after that date and may not be combined with other discount vouchers. This voucher may only be redeemed once and is non-transferable.

Activate printing of your contact details

To personalise the new RINGANA magazine with your details (name, e-mail address, telephone number, desired domain and/or personalised Partner page) at your request and completely free of charge, please activate “Print my details in the magazine” in “My Data/Partner Settings” in your Online Office on – also by 28.02.2021, 11:59 p.m. at the latest. Choosing to have your details printed in our magazine only applies to automatic magazine dispatch and not to any possible merchandise orders at some later time.

Important: To avoid wrongly printed data fields, we would ask you to carefully check both your input and your own details. Please ensure that details are correctly input in the Customer Data Sheet. For instance, the postal code should be entered in the “Postcode” field and not in the field marked “Town”. We have also noticed that the 2nd address line is often used to input personal information. This may have embarrassing consequences: the RINGANA magazine might, for example, be sent out to the customer “Max Mustermann suffers from blotchy skin”. 

* RE*THINK: For maximum sustainability, not all registered customers will automatically receive a magazine. Only a reasonable number of magazines can be sent out by post. RINGANA will select those customers who will receive the magazine by post on the basis of various criteria (time of last order, etc.) – the aim being to primarily reach those who will be pleased to receive the latest information about RINGANA and RINGANA products.


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